First Rolleicord Photos

As I wrote last time, I hadn’t yet processed the photos from my Rolliecord, I’ve now since had the chance and these are a few samples from my first roll. I’ve put three rolls of film through it so far, this first roll of 400Tx, a roll of Kodak Gold 200 C-41, which is on its way to the darkroom for processing, and one very old roll of Kodak Plus-X which had to be destroyed after many failed attempts at getting it spooled up onto the processing reel. It’s times like that when I ask myself why don’t I just stick with digital, then I remind myself the processing film is fun. All of these photos were shot at ISO 320 and developed in Rodinal 1+50. These scans don’t really do the Schneider Xenar lens on the Rolleicord justice. Scanning negatives on a flat bed scanner is difficult as the negatives never seem to lay flat enough. The negatives are quite sharp and would print up much better in a wet darkroom.

Regardless, I had a lot of fun taking these pics, this camera has a charm which my Sony A7IV just doesn’t have.

Amy Jo. Portage ,MI

Old Fence. Portage Creek Bicentennial Park Trail, Portage MI

Portage Creek. Portage Creek Bicentennial Park, Portage MI


Delano Homestead


New Camera